Let Us Help You
(or Someone You Know) Throughout the nation, the Knights of Columbus has initiated a program called “Leave No Neighbor Behind.” It’s an expression of our primary commitment to Charity during this current crisis. We’ll try to help anyone to the extent we can, in keeping with common sense, safety and government guidance. Perhaps we could do grocery shopping for you while we do our own, or pick up medicines, a takeout meal or pet supplies. Or if staying at home has given you time to put together a donation to the Food Pantry or the St. Vincent de Paul Store, we could deliver it. If you need our help, call Len Campbell at 455-1105 or Frank Ruffing at 491-2613. Please note that our emphasis will be on common sense, safety for all and government guidance. We may not be able to respond instantly but will endeavor to help if we can. Also, here is a link to a Novena Prayer from the Knights of Columbus. |